Chronological Timeline of OPTIM Conferences
1st Edition – OPTIM 1978
Title: Sesiunea natională “Optimizarea echipamentelor electrice și electronice”
Character: National Conference, 61 papers in Romanian with abstracts in English, French or German, all papers were submitted to reviewers
Organizers: University of Brasov, Department of Electrical Engineering and Electrical Machines, Department of Electrical Drives and Utilization of Electric Energy
Venue: University of Brasov
Sections: 1. Theoretical Electrotechnics and Electrotechnical Materials (17 papers), 2. Electrical Machines and Apparatus (19 papers), 3. Electronics, Drives, Automation (25 papers)
Volume: 1
Editors: Andrei Nicolaide, Willibald Szabo, Carol Saal, Ioan Margineanu, Mihai Cernat, Ovidiu Pesteanu
2nd Edition – OPTIM 1987
Title: Conference on Optimization of Electric, Electronic, Driving Automation and Computing Equipments
Character: National Conference, 87 papers in English, French or German, most in English, all papers were submitted to reviewers
Organizers: University of Brasov, Department of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Automation, Research Institute for Computer Technique and Informatics
Venue: University of Brasov
Sections: 1. Electromagnetic Fields, Materials, Electric Circuits, Electric Machines, Electric Apparatus (28 papers), 2. Power Electronics, Electric Drives (23 papers), 3. Automation, Measurement (20 papers), 4. Computer Techniques, Informatics (16 papers)
Volumes: 2
Editors: Andrei Nicolaide, Ioan Mărgineanu, Mihai Cernat, Iuliu Szekely, Ovidiu Pesteanu
3rd Edition – OPTIM 1991
Title: Conference on Optimization of Electric and Electronic Equipments
Character: National Conference with International Participation, 138 papers in English with abstracts in Romanian
Organizers: “Transilvania” University of Brasov, Electrical Engineering Faculty
Venue: “Transilvania” University of Brasov
Sections: A. Electromagnetic Fields, Electric Circuits, Electrotechnic Materials (7+5 papers), B. Electric Machines (18+5 papers), C. Electric Apparatus, General Applications of the Electric Energy (18+3 papers), D. Electronics, Electric and Electronic Measurement (24+7 papers), E. Electric Drives (24+2 papers), F. Automation, Robots (9 papers), G. Computers, Informatics (12+4 papers)
Volume: 2(before)+1(after)
Editors: Iulian Topa, Iuliu Szekely, Mihai Cernat, Elena Helerea, Mihai Romanca
4th Edition – OPTIM 1994
Title: 4th International Conference on Optimization of Electric and Electronic Equipments
Character: International Conference, 138 papers in English, all papers were submitted to reviewers
Organizer: “Transilvania” University of Brasov, Electrical Engineering Faculty
Chairman: Ioan Mãrgineanu
Secretary: Florin Moldoveanu
Venue: “Soimul” Hotel, Poiana Brasov
1. Electromagnetic Field (12 papers)
2. Electrical Circuits (3 papers)
3. Electrotechnical Materials (6 papers)
4. Electric and Electronic Measurements (12 papers)
5. Electrical Machines (12 papers)
6. Electrical Drives (16 papers)
7. Electric Apparatus, General Applications of the Electric Energy (13 papers)
8. Power Electronics (9 papers)
9. General Electronics (18 papers)
10. Telecommunications (7 papers)
11. Industrial Informatics (7 papers)
12. Automation (10 papers)
Volumes: 4
Editors: Ioan Mãrgineanu, Andrei Nicolaide, Willibald Szabo, Iulian Topa, Ioan Matlac, Aurel Gogioiu, Dan Stoia, Gheorghe Toacse, Iuliu Szekely, Elena Helerea, Mihai Cernat
5th Edition – OPTIM 1996
Title: 5th International Conference on Optimization of Electric and Electronic Equipment
Character: International Conference, 239 papers in English, all papers were submitted to ISC members for reviewing
The Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the “Transilvania” University of Brasov
The Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
The Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the “Politehnica” University of Timisoara
Co-organizer: Research Institute for Electrical Machines Bucharest
Sponsored by: IEEE (IAS), IEEE Romanian Section
Venue: “Ciucas“ Hotel, Poiana Brasov
Chairman: Thomas A. Lipo
Co-chairmen: Ioan Mãrgineanu, Radu Munteanu, Ion Boldea
Secretary: Mihai Cernat
A. Mathematical Modelling, Electromagnetic Field, Electrical Circuits, Electrotechnical Materials (38 papers)
B. Electric and Electronic Measurements (24 papers)
C. Electronics (25 papers)
D. Electric Apparatus, Power Systems, Electromagnetic Compatibility (41 papers)
E. Electrical Machines (34 papers)
F. Power Electronics and Electrical Drives (47 papers)
G. Automation and Industrial Informatics (30 papers)
H. Invited papers (3 papers: Klaus Quirder, Werner Deleroi, Peter G. Holmes)
Volumes: 6
Edited by: The “Transilvania” University of Brasov, Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Editors: Ioan Mãrgineanu, Andrei Nicolaide, Mihai Cernat
6th Edition – OPTIM 1998
Title: 6th International Conference on Optimization of Electric and Electronic Equipment
Character: International Conference, 175 papers in English, all papers were submitted to ISC members for reviewing
The Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the “Transilvania” University of Brasov
The Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
The Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the “Politehnica” University of Timisoara
In Co-operation with: IEEE (IAS, PELS) USA, IEE U.K., VDE Germany, AMPERE Belgium
Venue: “Piatra Mare” Hotel, Poiana Brasov
Honorary Chairmen: Thomas A. Lipo, Michel Poloujadoff, Toma Dordea
Chairmen: Ioan Mãrgineanu, Radu Munteanu, Ion Boldea
Secretary: Mihai Cernat
A. Electrotechnics (Electrotechnical Materials, Electromagnetic Field, Electromagnetic Heating, Industrial Power Systems, Electrical Apparatus and Equipments, Protection, Power Quality, Electromagnetic Compatibility, Electrical Machines) (70 papers)
B. Power Electronics, Electrical Drives and Automation (Power Electronics, Control of AC and DC Drives, Control of Permanent Magnet and Switched Reluctance Motor Drives, Estimation, Identification, Control and Industrial Informatics, Modelling and Simulation, Software Tools for Education and Multimedia, Robotics and Mobile Autonomous Systems) (60 papers)
C. Electronics and Computers (Electronic Devices and Circuits, Signal Processing, Electronic Medical Applications, Image Processing, Measurement and Data Acquisition, Communications, Reliability of Integrated Microcircuits and Microsystems) (45 papers)
H. Keynote papers: (2 papers: Thomas A. Lipo, A.C. Metaxas)
Volumes: 3
Edited by: The “Transilvania” University of Brasov, Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Editors: Ioan Mãrgineanu, Andrei Nicolaide, Mihai Cernat
7th Edition – OPTIM 2000
Title: 7th International Conference on Optimization of Electric and Electronic Equipment
Character: International Conference, 175 papers in English, all papers were submitted to ISC members for reviewing
The Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the “Transilvania” University of Brasov
The Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the “Politehnica” University of Timisoara
The Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
In Co-operation with: IEEE (IAS, PELS) USA, IEE U.K., VDE Germany, AMPERE Belgium
Venue: Hotel “Ciucas”, Poiana Brasov
Honorary Chairmen: Thomas A. Lipo, Michel Poloujadoff, Toma Dordea
Chairmen: Ioan Mãrgineanu, Ion Boldea, Radu Munteanu
Secretary: Mihai Cernat
A. Electrotechnics (Electromagnetic Field and Electrical Circuits, Magnetic Materials, Electromagnetic Heating, High Voltage Technique, Electric Arc and Electrical Apparatus, Industrial Power Systems, Power Quality) (59 papers)
B. Electrical Machines and Electrical Drives (Electrical Machines, Power Electronics, Control of AC and DC Drives, Mechatronics, Robotics) (46 papers)
C. Automation, Electronics and Computers (Control of Linear and Non-linear Systems, Adaptive and Robust Control, Observers, Intelligent Systems, Modelling, Simulation, Industrial Informatics, Safety and Reliability, Electronic Circuits, Microelectronics, Signal Processing, Measurement and Data Acquisition, Information and Communication Technology, Medical Electronics) (73 papers)
D. Keynote addresses (4 papers: Dirk Schröder, Thomas A. Lipo, Lars Gertmair, Joop Sloot)
Volumes: 3 + CD (Angel Caţaron)
Edited by: The “Transilvania” University of Brasov, Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Editors: Ioan Mãrgineanu, Andrei Nicolaide, Mihai Cernat
OPTIM-ABB Awards 3×3
8th Edition – OPTIM 2002
Title: 8th International Conference on Optimization of Electric and Electronic Equipment
Character: International Conference, 173 papers in English, all papers were submitted to ISC members for reviewing
The Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the “Transilvania” University of Brasov
The Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the “Politehnica” University of Timisoara
The Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
In Co-operation with: IEEE (IAS), IEE, VDE Germany, AMPERE Belgium
Venue: “Piatra Mare” Hotel, Poiana Brasov
Honorary Chairmen: Robert D. Lorenz, Michel Poloujadoff, Amir Mansour Miri
Chairmen: Ioan Mãrgineanu, Ion Boldea, Radu Munteanu
Secretary: Mihai Cernat
1. Electrotechnics (Electromagnetic Field, Applied Electrostatics, Magnetic Materials, Electromagnetic Processing of Materials, Electric Arc and Electrical Apparatus, High Voltage Technique, Power Systems, Management of Substations, Power Quality), Photovoltaics (49 papers)
2. Electrical Machines and Electrical Drives (Power Electronics, Electrical Machines, Automotive Electrical Equipment, Wind Power Control) (32 papers)
3. Automation (Control of Linear and Non-linear Systems, Motion Control, Modelling, Simulation, Robotics, Mobile Autonomous Systems, Human-Machine Interface, Safety and Reliability in Automation) (27 papers)
4. Electronics and Computers (Electronic Circuits and Networks Theory, Circuits & Systems, Microsystems, Measurement and Data Acquisition, Signal Processing, Medical Electronics, Information and Communication Technology, Multimedia, Mobile Communications, Reliability of Electronic Devices) (55 papers)
5. Electrical Engineering Education (7 papers)
6. Keynote addresses (3 papers: Robert D. Lorenz, Liviu Kreindler, Dietrich Naunin)
Volumes: 3 + CD (Angel Caţaron)
Edited by: The “Transilvania” University of Brasov, Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Published by: “Transilvania” University Press
Editors: Ioan Mărgineanu, Andrei Nicolaide, Mihai Cernat
OPTIM-ABB Awards: 3×3
9th Edition – OPTIM 2004
Title: 9th International Conference on Optimization of Electric and Electronic Equipment
Character: International Conference, all papers in English, all papers were submitted only to ISC members for reviewing, every paper has been reviewed by at least 3 people.
The Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the “Transilvania” University of Brasov
The Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the “Politehnica” University of Timisoara
The Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
In Co-operation with: IEEE (IAS, PELS), IEE, VDE Germany, AMPERE Belgium
Honorary Chairmen: Robert D. Lorenz, Michel Poloujadoff, Dirk Peier
Chairmen: Ioan Mărgineanu, Member IEEE, Ion Boldea, Fellow IEEE, Radu Munteanu
Secretary: Mihai Cernat
1. Electrotechnics (Magnetic Materials (8 papers); Electromagnetic Field, EMC, Electric Circuits (7 papers); Electromagnetic Processing of Materials (10 papers); High Voltage Technique: Dielectrics, Insulation (8 papers); Electric Arc, Electrical Apparatus (6 papers); Industrial Power Systems (4 papers)).
2. Power Electronics, Electrical Machines & Drives (Electrical Machines (29 papers); Power Electronics (6 papers); Robotics, Sensors, Automotive Electrical Equipment (8 papers); Renewable Energies, Wind Power Control (7 papers)).
3. Industrial Automation and Control (Control of Linear and Non-linear Systems, Motion Control, Drive Control (7 papers); Adaptive and Robust Control, Variable Structure Control, Sliding Mode Control (17 papers); Signal Processing, Neural Networks (6 papers); Petri Nets (2 papers); Industrial Informatics (4 papers)).
4. Applied Electronics, Electrical Engineering Education (Electronic Circuits and Network Theory (9 papers); Hardware and Software Co-Design (6 papers); Measurements and Data Acquisition (8 papers); Signal Processing (7 papers); Distance and Continuous Learning (13 papers)).
5. Keynote addresses (3 papers: Joachim Holtz, Hirofumi Akagi, Toyota)
Number of received papers: 190
Number of rejected papers: 23
Number of accepted papers: 167
Number of removed papers: 4
Number of edited papers: 163+3KA
Number of presented papers: 140+3KA
Number of papers proposed for publication in IEEE revues: 35
Reviewers: 196 members (68 IEEE members); 142 active members (45 IEEE members)
Volumes: 4 + CD (Ionuț Grecu)
Edited by: The “Transilvania” University of Brasov, Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Editors: Ioan Mãrgineanu, Andrei Nicolaide, Mihai Cernat
10th Edition – OPTIM 2006
Title: 10th International Conference on Optimization of Electric and Electronic Equipment
Character: International Conference, all papers in English, all papers were submitted only to ISC members for reviewing, every paper has been reviewed by at least 3 people.
The Faculty of Electrical Engineering of “Transilvania” University of Brasov
The Faculty of Electrical Engineering of “Politehnica” University of Timisoara
The Faculty of Electrical Engineering of Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Romanian Academy, Romanian Academy of Sciences, Romanian Electrotechnical Committee
In Co-operation with: IEEE (IAS, PELS, IES), IET, VDE Germany
Past Honourary Chair: Thomas A. LIPO, Michel POLOUJADOFF, Toma DORDEA
Honourary Chair: Robert D. Lorenz, Manfred Stiebler, Amir Mansour Miri
Chairman: Ion Boldea, Fellow IEEE
Program Chair: Mihai Cernat, Member IEE
Number of received papers: 196
Number of rejected papers: 30
Number of accepted papers: 166
Number of removed papers: 4
Reviewers: 196 members (126 IEEE members); 162 active members (65 IEEE members)
Sections and sessions:
1. Electrotechnics (7-6-2-13-1-5-2-6 papers)
2. Power Electronics, Electrical Machines & Drives (9-3-6-6-2-3-12 papers)
3. Industrial Automation and Control (11-4-3-6-4-6 papers)
4. Applied Electronics, Electrical Engineering Education (5-3-6-5-11-7 papers)
Number of published papers: 162 + 3 Keynote Addresses
Number of presented papers: 120+4 Keynote Addresses
Edited by: The “Transilvania” University of Brasov, Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Published in 4 volumes by “Transilvania” University Press
Editors: Mihai Cernat, Andrei Nicolaide, Ioan Mărgineanu
ISBNs: 973-635-702-3, 978-973-635-702-2 (CD: Horea Cernat)
11th Edition – OPTIM 2008
Title: 11th International Conference on Optimization of Electrical and Electronic Equipment
Character: International Conference, all papers in English, all papers were submitted only to ISC members for reviewing, every paper has been reviewed by 3 members of the International Steering Committee.
The Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, “Transilvania” University of Brasov
The Faculty of Electrical and Power Engineering, “Politehnica” University of Timisoara
The Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Romanian Academy, Romanian Academy of Sciences, Romanian Electrotechnical Committee
In Co-operation with: IEEE (IAS, PELS, IES), IET
Past Honourary Chair: Thomas A. LIPO, Michel POLOUJADOFF, Dierk SCHRÖDER, Toma DORDEA, Manfred STIEBLER, Amir Mansour MIRI
Honourary Chair: Rik DE DONCKER, Robert D. LORENZ
Conference Chair: Ion BOLDEA, Fellow IEEE
Program Chair: Mihai CERNAT, Senior Member IEEE
Number of received papers: 268
Number of rejected papers: 63
Number of accepted papers: 202
Number of removed papers: 17
Reviewing Committee: 178 members (85 IEEE members); 162 active members (79 IEEE members)
Topic areas:
1. Electrotechnics (43 papers)
2-A. Power Electronics, Electrical Machines & Drives (49 papers)
2-B. Renewable Energy Conversion and Control (24 papers)
3. Industrial Automatics and Control (39 papers)
4. Applied Electronics, Electrical Engineering Education (40 papers)
Number of reviewed papers: 250
Number of published papers: 158 + 3 Keynote Addresses
Number of presented papers: 124 + 4 Keynote Addresses
Edited by: The “Transilvania” University of Brasov, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Published in 4 volumes by “Transilvania” University Press
Editor: Mihai Cernat
IEEE Catalog Number 081EX1996, ISBN 1-4244-1544-6
ISSN 1842-0133
12th Edition – OPTIM 2010
Title: 12th International Conference on Optimization of Electrical and Electronic Equipment
IEEE Conference Record Number: 1022
Character: International Conference, all papers in English, reviewed by 3 members of the International Steering Committee.
The Faculty of Electrical Engineering, “Transilvania” University of Brasov
The Faculty of Electrical Engineering, “Politehnica” University of Timisoara
The Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Technical Sponsorship: IEEE-IAS, IEEE-PELS, IEEE-IES, IEEE Romania, Romanian Academy, Academy of Technical Sciences in Romania, Romanian Electrotechnical Committee
Number of received papers: 263 from 31 countries
Number of accepted papers: 217 (82.5%)
Number of presented papers: 195
1. Power Systems and Electromagnetics (33 papers)
2. Electrical Machines and Industrial Drives (41 papers)
3. Power Electronics and Power Converters (20 papers)
4. Industrial Automation and Control, Mechatronics (31 papers)
5. Applied Electronics and System Integration (32 papers)
6. Electrical Engineering Education and Emerging Technologies (6 papers)
Special Sessions:
– Renewable Energy Conversion and Control (21 papers)
– Smart Grids – Challenges and Opportunities (12 papers)
– Cold Plasma Discharges and Applications (9 papers)
Keynote Addresses:
– Future Electronic Power Distribution Systems, Electrification of Vehicle Power Trains, Power Electronics for Renewable Sea Wave Energy, VESTAS Wind-Generator Systems, Multi-physical Simulation of Drive Trains, Encoderless Control of Synchronous Machines, High Efficiency Electric Motors and Drives
Edited by: The “Transilvania” University of Brasov, Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Published in one volume of abstracts (ISBN 978-973-131-080-0) and CD-ROM (IEEE Catalog Number: CFP1022D-CDR, ISBN: 978-1-4244-7018-1)
Location: Cheile Grădiștei, Moieciu, Brașov County, Romania
18th Edition – OPTIM 2021 / 4th Edition – ACEMP-OPTIM Joint Conference
Title: ACEMP-OPTIM 2021 Joint International Conference
IEEE Conference Record Number: 50812
Date & Location: September 2-3, 2021, Online (hosted by Transilvania University of Brasov)
Character: International Conference, all papers in English, reviewed by at least 3 reviewers and an advocate (if necessary).
Transilvania University of Brasov
Politehnica University of Timisoara
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Atılım University, Ankara
Middle East Technical University, Ankara
Technical Sponsorship: IEEE (IES, IAS, PELS), IEEE Turkey, IEEE Romania
Keywords: Electromagnetics, Electrical Machines, Industrial Drives, Power Electronics, Renewable Energy Conversion, Mechatronics, Industrial Automation, Emerging Education Technologies, Automotive Power Conversion, Power Quality Improvement
Number of received papers: 86 from 17 countries
Number of accepted papers: 76 (88% acceptance rate)
Final Program: 87 papers presented in 14 online sessions
Technical Tracks:
1. Power Systems and Electromagnetics (5 papers)
2. Electrical Machines, Industrial Drives, and Control (30 papers)
3. Power Electronics and Power Conversion (17 papers)
4. Renewable Electric Energy Conversion, Processing, and Storage (6 papers)
5. Applied Electronics, Mechatronics, Control, and Automation (8 papers)
6. Electrical Engineering Education and Emerging Technologies (5 papers)
Special Session:
– Diagnostic and Applications of Electrical Discharges (5 papers)
Keynote Addresses:
– Prof. Ronghai Qu (China), Prof. Akira Chiba (Japan), Prof. Frede Blaabjerg (Denmark), Dr. Otilia Boaghe (UK), Dr. Christian von Albrichsfeld (Romania), Prof. Babak Fahimi (USA), Prof. Bulent Sarlioglu (USA)
Participants: 120 registered participants (72 IEEE members)
Proceedings: Online access provided to participants
Next Event: ACEMP-OPTIM 2023 in Turkey (end of August 2023)
19th Edition – OPTIM 2023 / 5th Edition – ACEMP-OPTIM Joint Conference
Title: ACEMP-OPTIM 2023 Joint International Conference
IEEE Conference Record Number: 57845
Date & Location: September 1-2, 2023, Bahçeșehir University (BAU), Istanbul, Turkey
Character: International Conference, all papers in English, reviewed by at least 3 reviewers and an advocate (if necessary).
Atılım University, Ankara
Middle East Technical University, Ankara
Transilvania University of Brasov
Politehnica University of Timisoara
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Technical Sponsorship: IEEE (IES, IAS, PELS), IEEE Turkey, IEEE Romania
Keywords: Power Systems, Electromagnetics, Electrical Machines, Industrial Drives, Power Electronics, Renewable Energy Conversion, Mechatronics, Industrial Automation, Emerging Education Technologies
Number of received papers: 99 from 25 countries
Number of accepted papers: 63 (74% acceptance rate)
Final Program: 61 papers presented in 13 sessions
Technical Tracks:
1. Power Systems and Electromagnetics (6 papers)
2. Electrical Machines, Industrial Drives, and Control (26 papers)
3. Power Electronics and Power Conversion (11 papers)
4. Renewable Electric Energy Conversion, Processing, and Storage (8 papers)
5. Applied Electronics, Mechatronics, Control, and Automation (6 papers)
6. Electrical Engineering Education and Emerging Technologies (2 papers)
Special Sessions:
– Industry News & Others (subject to proposals received)
Keynote Addresses:
– Prof. Annette Muetze (Austria), Prof. Yongsug Suh (Korea), Prof. Masato Enokizono (Japan), Dr. Burak Özpineci (USA), Dr. Serhiy Bozhko (UK), Dr. Tomy Sebastian (USA)
Participants: International attendance with 236 authors and multiple reviewers
Proceedings: IEEE Catalog Number: CFP2322D-USB, ISBN: 979-8-3503-1148-8
Social Program: Welcome Cocktail (1st September), Gala Dinner (2nd September on Bosphorus)
The next joint event is planned as “OPTIM-ACEMP 2025”, due to take place at the University Politehnica of Timisoara, on May 13-15, 2025, Romania.