Author’s Kit 

Paper Submission System General instructions for authors

OPTIM-ACEMP 2025 invites researchers and engineers from all related disciplines to submit research papers and special sessions proposals. All submissions will be peer reviewed.

Submission Guidelines:

  1. Paper Format:
    • Authors must adhere to the IEEE Conference paper format. Draft versions of papers should be submitted for review before the Full Paper Submission deadline.
    • Papers must be written in English. Only PDF files will be accepted for review.
    • Up to 6 pages (including figures and references) are allowed for Regular and Special Session papers. Unlimited extra pages are permissible with an additional fee (50 USD/page) paid at registration time.
    • Total file size must not exceed 4000 kB.
    • Pages should follow the IEEE double-column format (A4 size). Templates and detailed instructions for OPTIM-ACEMP 2025 paper preparation can be found at IEEE Paper Format for Conferences.
    • Do NOT insert any headers, footers, or page numbers.
  2. Originality:
    • Authors should only submit original work that has neither appeared elsewhere for publication, nor is under review for another refereed publication.
    • The conference will verify the originality of manuscripts by comparing them with millions of other articles in databases worldwide. Manuscripts that violate IEEE’s publication principles may be rejected. If the violation is deemed severe, disciplinary actions may be taken by IEEE.
    • Before submission, please familiarize yourself with the following IEEE authorship guidelines and policies:

First Step: Paper Proposal Submission

  • If the paper format does not meet the requirements, your submission will not be accepted (and will not be confirmed).
  • A full paper proposal describing work not previously published or presented must be electronically submitted in PDF file through the conference website no later than the deadline. The paper must be written in English (UK or US). Normally, the paper proposal should be 6-8 pages long (maximum 10 pages can also be admitted), two-column, single-space, on A4 format with supporting figures, tables, and references, headed by the title of the paper and choice of topic category.
  • On the first step, using PDF eXpress is not possible. For conversion of files to PDF, please use DOPDF (without embedded characters).
  • The submitted paper proposal will be reviewed via a peer review process to ensure the highest technical quality of the conference. The paper proposal should clearly define the salient concepts and novel features of the work. Be sure to mention past or previous works to distinguish your originality from them (papers will be checked against plagiarism using specialized software).
  • Paper Proposal Submission entrance is available HERE

Notification of Acceptance

  • Authors will be notified by e-mail about the paper acceptance.

Second Step: Final Paper Submission

  • All full papers and signed copyright must be uploaded by the above deadline. All authors must also register and pay the fee by the indicated deadline. If you have not received your email with your paper’s status, please log in to your account and check under “Paper Submission” to view the results and reviews for your paper.
  • For the final paper, the reviewer’s comments (eventually) received in the notification e-mail have to be taken into account. The correctness of the English language has to be carefully checked.
  • IEEE is very strict about the requirements for converting application files or PostScript files to full-text PDF for inclusion in IEEE Xplore®. Please follow the detailed instructions in the “IEEE PDF File Preparation Guide for IEEE Xplore®”, which describes the essential steps in distilling PDFs that meet IEEE requirements.
  • The most important issue is to make sure that all fonts used in the paper are EMBEDDED, especially for papers from Asia and Europe. The “IEEE PDF File Preparation Guide for IEEE Xplore®” details the process to ensure that all fonts used are embedded and subsetted. Failure to embed and subset fonts is the biggest obstacle to PDF compliance with IEEE Xplore®. Papers failing to meet IEEE Xplore® PDF requirements may be rejected.
  • We encourage authors to check their final papers for IEEE compliance using the IEEE PDF eXpress system before they are submitted. Please go to IEEE PDF eXpress and create an account (or if you already have one from previous conferences, use the existing one to log in) and use the Conference ID: 51159X. After logging in, you have to create a new title for each paper you have and you can either check your pdf file using the Submit PDF for checking option or create a compliant PDF from the source file using the Submit Source Files for Conversion. If your PDF file fails the check, you can always try again after fixing the issues from the PDF Check Report. If all checks are passed, you can then proceed to upload your final manuscript.
  • For more information about PDF eXpress, please consult the related documentation: Using IEEE PDF eXpress®.

Formatting Rules:

Accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore online digital library and EI Compendex database if and only if all three of the following requirements are satisfied:

  1. Submission of final PDF, validated using PDF eXpress (conference ID 51159X) and accompanied by the relevant copyright transfer to IEEE.
  2. At least one author registration associated with the paper ID and receipt of payment by the final submission deadline.
  3. Presentation of the work at the conference.